late nights @ edward's dessert kitchen

late nights @ edward's dessert kitchen

Sticky summer days fade into warm summer nights, and we yield to our most base desires with the simple phrase, “Should we get dessert?” The answer is always, without hesitation, an emphatic yes. The question of where to go does not even arise, as our hearts’ GPS leads us toward the North Loop and straight into Edward’s Dessert Kitchen. 

Adorned with high ceilings and velvet booths, retro touches and bistro-style seating, the space is undeniably welcoming. It’s somehow both casual and elegant and despite the constant buzz of sugar-high patrons, there always seems to be a seat available for you and your friends. The counter service allows you to survey most of your options, feeling not so far from that kid in the candy store you once were. However, if you’ve tried and tested the desserts more than once, I prefer to cozy up to the round retro bar and partake in the dying art of customer service. Here you can order anything on the menu, engage with a human beyond simple monetary transactions, and maybe try something you never would have thought of based on their recommendation. 

I’m a born and bred dessert lover - no really, my mom used to dip my pacifier in chocolate before popping it in my mouth - but I’m also only human, so I haven’t sampled the entirety of the menu (to my dismay). The following are lists of both my Must Have’s based on personal experiences and my Must Try’s based on the menu items I’m dying to get on my taste buds. 

Must Have’s:

  1. Chocolate Crème Pie - a delectably decadent cookie pie that also happens to be gluten free. The combination of textures and balanced array of chocolates could not be more perfect. 
  2. Latté - yes, a simple latte has made the list. Heavenly. Like drinking a coffee flavored cloud. Comforting enough to put you to sleep, caffeinated enough to keep you out on the town. Choose your own adventure.
  3. Blueberry Buttermilk Cheesecake - this cheesecake is the perfect summer dessert - tart but sweet blueberries juxtapose the creamy-but-not-too-heavy cheesecake for a flavor that is nostalgic and delightful. This is a seasonal dessert, so don’t wait too long or you might miss out!
  4. Espresso Martini - typically I lean towards a more spirit forward cocktail, and I’m not one to order a cocktail that is so sweet it doubles as a dessert. However, the Espresso Martini at Edward’s Dessert Kitchen is my sole exception. It’s creamy and sweet and perfectly accompanies the chocolate desserts on the menu. 
  5. Rocher Mousse - the first thing I ever tried on the menu, and quite possibly my favorite, the dome-shaped mousse cup promises an elevated Forrero Rocher that does not disappoint. The familiar joy of your favorite chocolate treat just grew up, and she’s beautiful :’)

Must Try’s:

  1. Tarragon Olive Oil Ice Cream - I’ve loved olive oil ice cream from the moment I tried it years ago, so when I saw this on their menu I knew it would eventually reach my belly - I just haven’t gotten to it yet. And I have a haunting feeling it will be worth the wait.
  2. Carajillo - this cocktail promises all of the caffeine I desire in a simple cocktail. I truly have just never seen a drink description like this on a menu before, and for that reason alone it made it on my list. Plus, I’m a sucker for any cocktail that comes with sea salt.
  3. Coconut Brown Sugar Paris Brest - the name alone has me drooling. What really shot this dessert to the top of my Must-Try list was watching the woman down the bar from me order it and delight in the presentation. I honestly couldn’t even watch her eat it because first of all, I felt I was intruding on her moment, and secondly I felt if I saw her enjoy the dessert for even one moment I would be compelled to order a third dessert for myself, and I was already full. 
  4. Truffled Burrata - CURVEBALL - did I mention they had savory small plates? Although this place is my go to for desserts, I can only imagine how delicious their snacks are. And this one in particular … cheese? Sourdough? TRUFFLE? Say less.
  5. Raspberry Thai Basil Mousse - I love a dessert with a fresh herbal element, and this pie seems like a refreshing option in a sea of decadence. Finished with hints of coconut and almond, I’m eager to taste test this summer-y slice.