summer solstice

summer solstice

The longest day of the year is upon us and I feel nothing but gratitude for the opportunity to experience such a beautiful life. It’s corny, yes, but on a day where the hours are long there are many opportunities to reflect on how I’ve spent every day before this one and how I intend to spend my days after. To say that I’m blessed feels like I’m saying the very least …

Growing up, books were my solace. I turned to fantasy and my own imagination to paint pictures of a rich life. As I’ve grown older, I still appreciate literature and the way it can make me feel, but I’ve come to realize that I have experienced beauty and whimsy and heartbreak and darkness that felt never ending - the colors of which painted more deeply than simply imagination can craft, the texture of those feelings so powerful that I can summon them with a simple thought, finding myself transported back to that time and place. Today is the day to worship the vitality of life’s never ending cycle - birth, growth, love, and death and how they all play their roles under the watchful eye of the sun. 

There are many troubles in our modern life that our ancestors couldn’t even fathom, but in that there is a great power delivered to those willing not to succumb to suffering but to work through it, to let it mold their beliefs, and recognize that the depth of their feelings gives shape to their life. It cannot all be light, but only with darkness are we able to truly appreciate when the sun shines on us. Today we worship the glow, yes, but we do so with the knowledge that the fire casts shadows behind us, giving us a time and place in the world. 

Today is a day to celebrate life and the life force within us all. The sun may lay in hiding behind the clouds, but from experience …  I trust it’s there (as it always is). There are many ways to celebrate today, and I hold the belief that any ritual is made special by each individual's personal connotations and interpretations of how to express gratitude for this day - especially since the Sun is associated with the Self, it’s vital to recognize the importance of your own role and intentions in your own life, to be an active participant. It could be helpful to ask yourself:

What physical objects remind you of the Sun/Summer? 

What is your favorite food/drink to consume during the Summertime? 

What colors do you associate with the Sun? 

What is the best day you’ve had in the Sun? 

What was your hardest day, and how did you overcome the darkness it cast? 

Where do you feel most in touch with your senses?

Which people make you feel most comfortable in your own skin?

What is your favorite form of self expression? 

These questions are just a starting point intending to guide you toward the physical items, ideas, activities, and people that could be vital to celebrating your life under the Sun’s energy. 

I intend to celebrate firstly by writing this, an ode of appreciation, and sharing it with others. I’ll also journal my gratitude, naming all that blesses me and setting intentions for the summer ahead. I’ll eat citrus - specifically grapefruit - because to me the bright and tart flavor as well as the sunset-like colors embody the spirit of the day perfectly. I’ve dressed in white and red and donned my favorite jewelry and I intend to spend time outside to commune with nature - most likely by just laying lazily and hoping the sun peeks its head out from between the gray blanket of clouds. I have the idea of convincing my friends to have a bonfire, or else I’ll simply light a candle or use my oil pastel crayons to honor the image of fire. And of course I have plans to see Midsommar in theaters - the lovely story of a woman finding herself through community <3 (lol). 

Whatever your day ahead may look like, whatever curveballs are thrown your way, no matter how difficult the road ahead may appear, I encourage you to take the time to set your mind on the beauty of your life. How, if it was a painting it would not be all shadows or all light, but an intricate and complex picture of the human experience - your human experience. As a western culture I think it is harder to imagine the connectivity of all people than it is to root down in your personal individuality. Take today to realize both are true, you are one unique piece of an all encompassing entity that dances to animate your reality. You are not alone in your feelings and the radiance of your soul is one of a kind. All of the cliches are true … be grateful for where you are now and all that you have seen, and move with the same love and care for others you wish to receive. Spend the longest day of the year celebrating life with intention.

Happy Solstice!